Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Ground Breaking! To the Front, to the front..............

There seems to be just enough pause in the rain to do some ground breaking.  It's been raining every single day for nearly two weeks.  Hubs headed outside to layout the path for the front walkway.

 It's amazing what a tape measure, a roll of string and some stakes can do!  
Mr. Windmill (my hubs) had lots of help from Little A and Big C!

Mr. Windmill makes short work of digging.  He seriously is the digging master!  
He grew up on a farm...go figure!

Some landscape fabric and the first layer of gravel shown here.

 Little A taking his turn with the tamper.  I think that tool weighs as much as he does! 
And there's the stack of pavers waiting to transform into a front walkway!

 You can see the Knock-Out roses and the Stella lilies on the side of the house.  
They seem to be doing okay.  They could use a little more sun and little less rain!

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